SCIENCE Vocabulary Words

Week 11/30-12/18  QUIZ DEC 10

Erosion: The carrying away of materials from one place to another by wind, water, waves, or ice

Weathering: The breaking down and wearing away of rock material

Landforms: A natural structure on the Earth's surface, ex: mountains, plains, valleys, plateaus.

Deposition: The process by which material is eroded by water, wind, waves, or ice and are dropped into a new place

Wind: Moving air

Precipitation: Water that falls to the surface of the Earth such as rain, hail, sleet, or snow.

Glacier: A large body of moving ice.

Barriers: Materials that help slow down erosion.

Sediments: Pieces of rocks, soil, sand, shell, and remains of organisms.

Flow: A path by which large amounts of materials move across the land.

Week 10/26- Nov 20    QUIZ FRI NOV 20

Opaque: material that does not allow light to pass through it

Transparent: material that allows light to pass through it without changing the light

Natural Resources: Resources that are used by humans for energy sources, such as minerals, water, fossil fuels, and food sources

Renewable Resources: Natural resources that can be renewed or replaced by nature, such as food crops, trees, water, and animals

Nonrenewable resources: A resource that cannot be replaced in nature, such as minerals and metals, fossil fuels

Fossil Fuels: Materials from dead organisms that lived millions of years ago that are pressed together to form coal, petroleum (oil), natural gas, propane, and uranium

Inexhaustible Resources: resources that cannot be used completely, such as solar energy, ocean tides, and wind

Deposition: Process by which wind, water, and gravity leave eroded sediments in new locations

Pressure: The amount of force exerted on a given area by an object or substance

Organic Materials: Material broken down from dead organisms, such as decaying plants and animals

Week 10/8-10/23     QUIZ Wed Oct. 28

Light Energy: energy that travels as a wave and moves through the air, empty space and certain materials

Lens: an object used to refract light

Refraction: the bending of light that occurs when light moves from one material to another

Reflection: the bouncing of light from a surface

Microscope: a tool used to observe very small objects

Sound Energy: energy that travels as vibrations through matter that you can hear

Energy: the ability to cause changes in matter or to make things happen

Circuit: a closed path through which electricity travels

Conductor: a material that allows energy to pass through it easily and quickly

 Insulator: a material that keeps energy from passing through it


Week of 8/31-9/18 :  QUIZ Wed Sept. 16!!

Scientific Method: The process used to answer questions about the physical world

Matter: An object that takes up space and has mass

Liquid: A state of matter that has volume but no definite shape

Evaporation: The process in which liquid changes state to a gas

Physical Properties: The features in matter that can be observed (use your five senses)

Gas: A state of matter that has no definite volume or shape

Hypothesis: An educated prediction (guess) to answer a question (scientific method)

Mass: The amount of matter in an object (related to weight)

Solid: A state of matter that has a definite volume and shape

Condensation: The process in which gas changes state to a liquid